40 Piece Challenge, Articles, Piano Teaching Ideas, Repertoire IdeasMay 2, 2013<November 15, 2016 Jazz Resource File Part 2 by Elissa Milne Jazz Hanon by Peter Deneff 696478 This book is kind of ugly, and kind of unbalanced (all the exercises have busy right…
Articles, Your BusinessApril 14, 2013<May 4, 2016 Social Media by Elissa Milne Once upon a time… the suburbs were born, and piano teachers found themselves increasingly isolated, working in home studios far away from shops, offices,…
Articles, Repertoire IdeasMay 16, 2011<November 15, 2016 I want to tell you a story about my friend, Angelina. by Gina Wake Angelina and I met almost 30 years ago, as primary school students who shared a piano teacher. In her wisdom, our teacher put us together as duet…