Melinda Gindy
Melinda Gindy is a music teacher (B.arts, Grad. dip.ed, Grad.cert.gifted.ed, M.M.T.A) with past experience teaching across both primary and secondary classroom settings. She has directed and taught in a private music school from 2001 and is the piano and flute teacher at an independent school in Sydney, NSW. Melinda is the cofounder and President of Gifted Families Support Group Inc. (GFSG Inc.). She represents NSW on the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT), as well as serving as the national associations’ Vice-President. Her post graduate studies led to the development of an online resource for private music teachers, which focuses on the needs of twice-exceptional children Melinda serves on the 2016 AAEGT National Gifted Conference Organising Committee and the Local Organising Committee for the 2017 22nd WCGTC Biennial World Conference. Melinda has 3 children, all who have been identified and diagnosed as twice-exceptional.