Exploring Grade Three has landed

The Wait is Over

Edited by Angela Turner, Exploring Grade Three features pieces with a rich and varied range of styles to engage the imagination and ear, and to develop specific techniques and musicianship.

This collection encompasses solo and duet pieces in both classical and popular styles. Selections are primarily based in keys that closely match exam syllabi technical work for this grade, helping to make connections between repertoire and technical work. A range of modes and other scales (such as whole tone and pentatonic) are encountered through the pieces.

Continuing on from the format of the previous grades int he series, a range of exploratory extension tasks linked to the repertoire are contained within, including:
• analytical-based explorations (such as identifying intervals, patterns, structures and historical context);
• improvisation (based upon concepts within the piece, helping to support understanding and creativity away from the page)

Hal Leonard Australia were so excited to launch Exploring Grade Three at APPC 2024 with Angela Turner (pictured) presenting an in-depth insight into this exciting new release.
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