Nourish the Teacher, Nourish the Student
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Registrations for the 2016 Conference event are now open!
With over 20 renowned music educationalists presenting sessions covering a range of styles and instruments, this is truly an event not to be missed.
Highlights include:

Elissa Milne – Composer, Writer, Speaker, Pianist and Music Educator
- “The Effect that Learning a Musical Instrument has on Children’s Development”
- “Teaching Children with Learning Difficulties in a Private Music Lesson”
- “Beyond Major and Minor: Recognizing Modes in 20th and 21st Century Music”
- Masterclass for students
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Angela Turner – Pianist and Music Educator
- “Exploring Repertoire”
- “Tackling Transposition”
- “Exploring Repertoire – Preliminary & Grade One Solo & Duet”
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Christopher Norton – Composer, Arranger, Educationalist, Pianist and Producer
- Micromusical ‘Vikings’ holiday program and performance
- Jazz Syllabus launch for brass and woodwind
- “I Forgot to Remember: Helping Students to Memorize”
- “Teaching Improvisation”
- Masterclasses for students
For biographies of the presenters, click here.
For a comprehensive list of sessions by each presenter, click here.
Online registration is now available: click here to make your booking and select your sessions. At the end of the form, you will be directed to our online store to pay for your selections.
To register by post, email or fax, download the Registration and Sessions PDF form.